Our spring season will look different than in past years. Here are a few highlights

  • There will not be any indoor practices this season, which will result in a later start time. We will have to wait until the snow melts.

  • Due to the later start to season, the season will end in late June (typically the season ends the first weekend in June).

  • See Information Meeting Slides for more information. If you have not received them, please send us a message at whitebearlakeultimate@gmail.com

General outline of our spring season. Currently available for WBLAHS students in 9th-12th grade. See our calendar on the homepage for more specific dates and times as they are made available.

Kick-Off Meeting

Our kick-off meeting typically takes place in mid to late February.


Depending on gym availability and interest, we hold open gym times for players to warm-up for the season. This is a great chance for new players to give Ultimate a try and for returning players to get back into Ultimate.


For the Boy’s teams there will be tryouts held in early March (before Spring Break). Everyone will be placed on a team. These tryouts are our best attempt to place each player in the team/environment we believe will be their best fit. See a description of the teams below. Until our Girl’s team can field a JV team, they will typically hold extra preseason practices around the same time.


Practices will begin in late March (after Spring Break). Until we are able to move outdoors, we typically have random gym times for indoor practices. Once outside, we will follow our typical practice schedule.

Location: North Campus Fields
Time: 4:30pm-6:30pm
Boy’s: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Girl’s: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday


Games start the beginning of April (pending weather). Once outside, we will follow our typical game schedule. A more in depth description of the league schedule can be found here on MNU’s website.

Home Field: North Campus Fields
Time: 6pm-8pm
Girl’s: Tuesday
Boy’s: Thursday


Each team typical participates in three tournaments throughout the season.

Matoska Classic: WBL, Last weekend in April
Goeke Memorial: Apple Valley, 3rd weekend in May
MN State Tournament: Blaine, 1st weekend in June


Girl’s Varsity

This team is focused on balancing development and playing at the highest level possible. This team is comprised of players of all skill levels. This team provides great opportunities to play at a high level while also learning the game. We hope to eventually be able to field both a Varsity and JV team in future years.


This team is focused on playing at the highest level possible. The team is comprised of our more experienced and/or skilled male players. Players placed on this team often have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of the game or come from other athletic backgrounds and are able to pick up skills early in the season.

BOY'S Junior Varsity

This team is focused on introducing the game to newer players and development skills. This team is comprised of our less experienced players or new players. This team provides great opportunity to learn the game and improve your skills.